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Picnic in the Park

Tuesdays, July 18 to September 12

Access Storage Chester presents "Picnic in the Park". This is a non-smoking event. Live Music every sunny Tuesday at Lordly Park, Chester from July 18 to August 29 at 6:00 to 8:00 pm and September 5 & 12 at 5:00 to 7:00 pm-ish. Raindate: Wednesday; then Thursday. Check for Event Cancellation. Free admission - donations for the band appreciated.

July 18:    Brad Conrad & the New Regulars – Chester Pharmasave
July 25:  Joe H. Henry – In memory of Willa Creighton
August 1: Kevin’s GypsyMinstrels – Chester Building Supplies
August 8: Cut Split & Delivered – GN Thermoforming Equipment
August 15: Air Traffic Control – Eric Harding, Red Door Realty
August 22:  Global Centric Brass Band - Dr. Maureen Andrea
August 29:  Short Notice – Blair Armstrong, A.A. Munro Insurance
September 5: Parsons Brothers – All Outdoors Landscaping
                          Bonny Lea Farm 50th Anniversary Celebrations
September 12:  Dark & Stormy – In memory of Sandy Morash

This is a third party event and has not been verified by the Municipality.