Built by Sir William MacKenzie and Donald Mann circa 1905 the Chester Train Station was once a full service station built by for their Halifax and South Western Railway Company.
A true landmark in the Municipality – the once-busy old train station is still a bustling stop but in all kinds of wonderfully new ways.
These days the Chester Train Station is home to the Chester Municipal Heritage Society which run the Station 20 Handcraft Shoppe. This cultural craft store includes works from over thirty local Nova Scotia Artisans and Crafters whose unique skills and abilities are shown in their works. The Store also operates as a Tourism Ambassador so you’re sure to find all kinds of information on a comprehensive array of literature on all there is to see and do in this wonderful part of the world.
The Chester Municipal Heritage Society houses historical displays here including our the boat building industry in the Municipality, the history of gold mining and train station memories and more.
The station is home to the Explore Oak Island Display which features incredible artifacts, historical pictures and inside information about the world-famous treasure hunt.
The Forman Hawboldt Display, adjacent to the station features a display of pumps and other machines manufactured and designed by Mr. Hawboldt. He is credited with developing the make-and-break engine which replaced the sail powered fishing boats in our area and the world.
The Chester Train Station is the first stop on the Chester Connection Trail and a great pit stop along the full length of the Rum Runners Trail. With a porta-potty and cold drinks, it's the perfect place to rest up and check out all that station has to offer.
There you will also find a 5-circle Walking Labyrinth designed to foster peace and calmness and provide the opportunity for low-impact physical activity.
Every Friday from May through to October the front lawn fills with everything from fresh produce, fish and flowers to incredibly crafty creations as the Chester Farmers & Artisans Market is in full swing.
Hey and if your looking for a hands-on experience then you’ll want to join the Chester Municipal Heritage Society for their Tuesday Afternoon Craft Circles and their Wednesday Afternoon Craft Demonstrations. Everyone is invited to enjoy conversation, crafts, and a cup of tea or coffee. For a full schedule visit their Facebook Page here.
And if all that wasn’t enough the Chester Train Station is home to plenty of other annual events and celebrations including the Chester Garden Club’s Plant Sale, the Chester Heritage Society’s Auction & Flea Market (pictured below), and Chester’s Big Canada Day Celebration to name a few.