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Chester Village Christmas Tree Lighting

Chester Village Christmas Tree Lighting at the Chester Bandstand (3 Parade Square Road) starting 6:30 pm. It takes a Village to Celebrate such a wonderful event!  The Treasure Treat Truck will be selling Hot Chocolate & Cookies. The Gingerbread Man will be there too.  Santa & Mrs. Claus will be there with treats for the kids. The Chester Castaways perform a festive tune, and the CAMS Carollers will sing up a storm. Covid-19 protocols will be in effect. BIG THANKS TO:  Chester Garden Club, Chester Merchants Association, Chester Volunteer Fire Department, Demont’s Christmas Trees, Derek Wells,, Municipality of Chester, Susan Diamond, The Rope Loft, and The Village Commission of Chester.

This is a third party event and has not been verified by the Municipality.